Wonderful Stories of Professor Kitzel vol. 4

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $19.95.

A rare collection of cartoons on dvd.

See below for full product details.

SKU: 16038 Category: Tag:


This is a dvd with 24 classic animated episodes. The titles are

Emperor Nero of Rome
Covered Wagons
Easter Island
Cave Paintings of Alta Meara
Louis Pasteur
Search for Ancient Troy
Jacques Cousteau
Statue of Liberty
John Cabot
John Smith and Pocahontas
Thor Heyerdahl/Kon Tiki
Declaration of Independence
History of Rockets
Early Man/Lake Dwellers
Ponce de Leon
Erie Canal
Charles Darwin/Evolution
Duryea Brothers/Automobiles
Customs of China
Thomas Payne
Charles Lindbergh

They were transferred from 16mm film, and have always been a popular collection of episodes.