Freebies and full books uploaded since January


As there are many books I am working on at any given time, I will add posts like this to give a quick list of the free printable pages I upload, as well as complete books I manage to finish and have available. I may never get everything remastered, but I’ll at least focus on requests that are sent in through the Contact Us form, and over our social media pages at Facebook and Twitter. This page can’t thrive without your help spreading the word about us to everyone you know, and by being active with us on our social platforms. If you haven’t added us yet, please do so. We look forward to seeing you there!

Make sure to use the correct request link on the Contact Us form, since we are using our Reddit as a todo list and to stay organized. If you don’t submit your request through the correct link, it may not get done. We know it’s also been a bit since our last big push of samples and e-books. We’ve been upscaling and quality checking about a third of all the scans we have in the archives…that’s over 100,000 pages!! But it is done, we’re happy with the results, and we can finally get back to our regularly scheduled programming. Expect plenty of new material coming to the site real soon.

Sample pages:

Full downloadable books:

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Author: The Collector

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